Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve!

This is Sherry's commercial for Mini Cooper she made with the BYU film, advertising, and music departments.  It is a Mario Brothers theme and she is a modernized "real life" Princess Peach. I think she looks great on film, I'm a little biased though =)

Michael's letter this week!  We get to talk to him tomorrow!!!

Dear Dad,

That's awesome that the new Hobbit movie came out!  Just the first part was
released for now?  Or both parts are out now?  I sure do miss snow for my
Christmas.  I'm never ever ever ever going to pass Christmas in the heat
ever again after the mission.  I only want freezing cold Christmases from
here on :P.

I do miss the good old Christmas movies.  Santa Claus is Coming to Town,
Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and all the rest of the
classics.  A bummer that they aren't playing like they used to.

Until tomorrow Dad!
Love, Elder Henry

Dear Mom,

Hahaha, I like Spencer's style! (he asked his date to Yule Ball last night with a dozen coral pink roses).

What a bummer that a bunch of people ended up not showing up to the Baby Shower :(.  That's always the hard part of trying to put together a party.

Anyways our week was full of, "Come back after the holidays!" which made it pretty difficult to find new investigators.  We had 3 graduations of high schools in our chapel this week which was pretty awesome, we picked up a bunch of addresses and found some people with really good potential.  Best of all, it gave one of our investigators, the opportunity to get to know the chapel.  Everyone was super impressed with the building, and she felt really comfortable inside the church.  Also turns out she's longtime friends with the Bishop.  So pretty much after she came to the graduation its a done deal.  She went to church yesterday and I'm pretty sure she loved it.  We are going to go there tonight and talk with her a little bit.

On Saturday we had a ward party which was pretty fun.  J went to the activity and really enjoyed herself, but had to leave early.  Best part was Sunday though, because I was feeling pretty unsuccessful this week, and then I went to church expecting nobody to be there and was surprised to see V, R with his parents, and J at church.  Our gospel principles class was packed with people and we ended up finding a couple potential investigators at church.  I'm pretty excited to follow-up on these relatives of members.  

Here in Brasil everyone celebrates Christmas on Christmas eve.  Its really strange, but tonight is Christmas.  We are going to spend Christmas Eve with a couple of families of members.  I'm pretty excited, and we should have a ton of churrasco to eat.
Anyways I love you a ton, sorry I didn't write all that much, but I'll talk more tomorrow.  That is if you can understand me through my accent ;)

Elder Henry

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